Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites have become such a big part of the daily lives of so many people especially since they can be used for corporate purposes in addition to personal purposes. It goes without say that all social networking sites have its positives and negatives. For the purpose of this assignment, I visited Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. They are all sites that I have used for several year now and I already am familiar with but upon a closer look, it's clear that while they serve similar purposes, each platform works in different ways and also have their distinct purposes. 

All four sites allow for communication amongst its users and have similar purposes. They can also be used by companies for marketing and advertisement but each platform can be tailored to specific audiences. Each platform allows businesses to create business profiles in order to advertise their services. All four sites also directs you to a newsfeed upon logging into your profile. They allow you to stay connected to not just friends and families but also to the world. 

Facebook allows for the most customization of a users personal profile. Twitter can be more limiting since it has character limits on just about everything including username, profile and of course the tweets. While you can share your opinion on both platforms, twitter has a character limit where as facebook allows for longer statuses. Tumblr works as a blogging platform but allows you to directly interact with users by reblogging posts. The downside to tumblr is that you have to reblog in order to comment on a post and can't just directly comment. Lastly, Instagram is tailored more to photo sharing. Like I've mentioned before all four platforms allow for communication amongst users but each also have key distinctions. 


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